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People practice yoga for a variety of reasons. Many yoga practitioners are interested in the health benefits that come from regularly performing the routines. Others want a state of harmony between inner and outer self. Still others practice yoga primarily to relax. A State of Harmony The profound relaxation available through yoga includes a state Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga for mothers
I am not a Yoga teacher. Ive only attended about 3 Yoga classes although my gym offers Yoga classes. So, why am I writing about Yoga when I know nothing about it? I am curious thats my nature. And through the years, this curiosity has helped me develop a career as a freelance graphic designer [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga Facts
Yoga is a group of ancient practices which were first developed in India. It is still popular in the country today, and is considered to be a spiritual exercise. Many Indians see it as a way of attaining enlightenment. Yoga is broken down into four primary categories, and these are Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga Exercises – Healthy Lifeline With The Yoga Experience
No debate can arise from Yoga Exercises or is questionable on just how powerful yoga can be. Yoga has proven to give beneficial rewards to millions of people in helping them to keep in shape while at the same time assisting them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your health and yoga is a match made [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga and Obesity solution
As per one report nearly 14 percent of British youngsters are clinically obese. The cost of Obesity to the NHS is about 1 billion a year. By 2010 the number of overweight and obese youngsters in the European Union nations is expected to hit 26 million. An estimated 20,000 obese youngsters will have type 2 [...] Read more
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