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Albertas one of a kind wellness center featuring 7 therapeutic studios, an infrared sauna, healthy coffee and smoothie bar, storefront, classes, workshops and a beautiful, fully appointed seminar room. The system reduce Cellulite, improve skin tone and elasticity. Burn 600 or more calories per 30 minute session, cardiovascular support; Detoxify Read more
Category: Blog
Karma Yoga The Art Of Living
The ancient book of Gita, which is the treatise on the living has led a great stress on the karma. Karma is defined as the action and its fruits. Ancient Hindu saints have believed that a mans life is the direct result of his karma. Good thoughts, words and deeds lead to good and happy [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Kapalabhati – A Breathing Exercise
Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the powerful breathing exercises which help the entire body. [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Jnana Yoga Yoga For The Intelligent
Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Improve Your Eyesight With Trataka
Eyes are the windows of the soul and you can see what a person is up to by looking into his eyes. Hence, it is important to have clean eyesight. In yoga, trataka is a technique devised by the ancient sages to improve eyesight. It is a shuddhikriya or a purification process to cleanse the [...] Read more
Category: Blog