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Yoga’s Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment

Yoga’s Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment

While many consider Yoga to be a form a physical exercise, it is also known to be an exercise in spiritual development. Most would agree that the true goal of Yoga is to provide the individual with the means to achieve inner peace and balance. To achieve these lofty goals, students are encouraged to become [...] Read more
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Yoga Positions  A Few Tips

Yoga Positions A Few Tips

Yoga positions and the practice of yoga can be beneficial to your mind, your muscles, and even internal functions like your digestive system. With so many benefits, it is no wonder that yogas popularity is on the rise. Before you take it up, though, it is a good idea to have in mind the right [...] Read more
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Yoga Meditation

Yoga Meditation

As it is generally admitted by yoga practitioners and yoga trainers, yoga sessions are very much about self equilibrium, peacefulness and meditation. By practicing meditation we can all reach the sublime state of learning the purpose of our existence and maximizing our will to reach it. Studies have proven that meditation highly contributes to Read more
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Yoga helps you lower blood pressure

Yoga helps you lower blood pressure

Hypertension is a common disease nowadays, which, if its not treated corectly can cause many damages to the other organs of the body. People who suffer from high blood pressure need to lower blood pressure in order to neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body. Changing the life style and sometimes taking medicines is [...] Read more
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Yoga For Stress Relief

Yoga For Stress Relief

Yoga is a science. That is something to grasp. Yoga is a science, and not a vague, dreamy drifting or imagining. While it is true the west has been familiar with the practice of yoga for a relatively short time, yoga is not a new discipline , and it has been studied and practiced in [...] Read more
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