Tag Archives: fit
Yoga With Balance Ball?

Yoga With Balance Ball?

A medicine ball is also commonly used by athletes who have sustained an injury, and seek rehabilitation. They are also extensively used by secondary schools as a fitness aid, by lifting the ball, or performing different exercises with the ball incorporated to increase the strain on a particular muscle. What is A Swiss Ball? A [...] Read more
Category: Featured
Yoga is a Safe Solution to Weight Control

Yoga is a Safe Solution to Weight Control

One more study tells the world, that Yoga can help with weight control and weight loss. The latest study was held by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. The study involved 15,500 healthy, middle-aged, men and women. This is a group that typically has difficulty with weight loss, since the number of [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga – The Solution for Insomnia

Yoga – The Solution for Insomnia

At one time, or another, all of us have experienced insomnia for any type of reason. There are times when lack of sleep just cant be helped, such as: the loss a loved one, going through a divorce, and losing your job. These are some of lifes serious crisis situations, where we have to let [...] Read more
Category: Featured
Facts About Chakra Awakening

Facts About Chakra Awakening

Chakra awakening is highly a debatable topic, with two distinctly different schools of thought. The answer could be, Yes or No, depending upon which school of thought you are trained in. Firstly, let’s cover the side that would say, Yes to helping you share the experience of Chakra awakening. There is no shortage of detailed [...] Read more
Category: Featured
Eight Amazing Benefits of Teaching Yoga

Eight Amazing Benefits of Teaching Yoga

Every challenging occupation yields some sort of satisfaction, but the fitness professionals industry had an amazing 85% job satisfaction rate according to an Idea Health & Fitness survey. Job Satisfaction In the same survey, 98% of those interviewed felt that “My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.” Lack of Read more
Category: Blog