Tag Archives: yoga
Hatha yoga is a 5000 year old system that is used to improve the health of your body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga combines the stretching exercises of the asanas. Breathing techniques and mental concentration are included in hatha yoga. The lotus position of the asanas is used in hatha yoga. The goal of hatha [...] Read more
Category: Blog
How to find the right Yoga teacher?
I am often asked by beginners about how to evaluate a Yoga Teacher? The following is the CALM check list. These factors are basic criteria that your Yoga Instructor should meet before you continue on to a second Yoga class. CALM gets it name from four main factors: Communication, Assist, Listen, and Modification. For the [...] Read more
Category: Blog
How To Choose The Best Yoga Videos
Finding the best yoga videos is not as easy to walking down to your local video store and wandering over to the exercise aisle. Not all such videos on the market are ideal for effective home practice. In order to make sure you get the best yoga videos for your home, consider a few things [...] Read more
Category: Blog
How to borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss
Yoga is often praised in the mass media as the new fitness-craze promising weight loss, and increased strength and flexibility. However, when one sees a yoga practitioner curled up in a seemingly impossible pose, the natural tendency is to think: Well this person has been practicing for years, how can Yoga help me lose the [...] Read more
Category: Featured
History of Yoga
Yoga is a union of body, mind, and spirit. The history of yoga is long and steeped in tradition. Yoga is an ancient system of health and fitness which originated in India. The word yoga has its first mention in the Rig Veda, the oldest of the sacred texts. Those that study Yoga estimate it’s [...] Read more
Category: Blog