Tag Archives: yoga
Your yoga practice and the way you breathe are intertwined. You wont fully experience the benefits of yoga without first learning how to breathe properly. Different types of yoga practice call for different types of breathing, so it is important to note from the beginning that there is no one right way to breathe in [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
Sitting Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) Never force yourself into a forward bend when sitting on the floor Yogasana, the third limb of Raja Yoga also popularly understood by mass population as yoga is getting popular as never before in both eastern and western countries. The reason for Yogasana (popularly know as Yoga) to gain popularity are Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Locust
Locust (Salabhasana) When this pose is demonstrated it resembles a locust (grasshopper) moving its rear ends up and down, hence the name. Locust is one of the backward bend asanas usually performed in a sequence; first the Cobra is practiced, than the Locust followed by the Bow. Locust is a posture which turns the body [...] Read more
Category: Blog
Yoga – The Solution for Insomnia
At one time, or another, all of us have experienced insomnia for any type of reason. There are times when lack of sleep just cant be helped, such as: the loss a loved one, going through a divorce, and losing your job. These are some of lifes serious crisis situations, where we have to let [...] Read more
Category: Featured
Yoga – Practices and History
Yoga is a practice that people do keep their bodies in shape. All of the elements of Yoga were inherited form the practice of Hinduism. Ethnic principles, and body principles, along with spiritual guidance and philsophy are just some of the features associated with Yoga. Yoga is usually taught, by a person called a “Guru”. [...] Read more
Category: Blog